Onco-Genomics Data Analysis

Course Duration: 2 weeks

Onco-Genomics Data Analysis

This short course provides participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to analyze and interpret genomic data in the field of oncology. Participants will learn the fundamentals of onco-genomics, including the identification of genetic alterations, analysis of somatic mutations, copy number variations, and gene expression profiles in cancer samples. Through a combination of theoretical lectures, hands-on exercises, and case studies, participants will gain practical experience in analyzing onco-genomic data using bioinformatics tools and pipelines. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to perform onco-genomics data analysis and understand the implications for cancer research and personalized medicine.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Onco-Genomics
  • Data Acquisition and Preprocessing
  • Identification of Somatic Mutations
  • Copy Number Variation Analysis
  • Gene Expression Analysis
  • Integrative Genomics Analysis
  • Clinical Relevance and Precision Medicine
  • Case Studies and Hands-on Exercises
  • Data Visualization and Interpretation
  • Project Work

Course Prerequisites

– Basic understanding of genomics and molecular biology concepts

– Familiarity with bioinformatics tools and command-line interfaces is beneficial but not mandatory

– Prior exposure to cancer biology and genetics is helpful but not required

Who Should Attend

– Bioinformaticians, researchers, and scientists interested in onco-genomics data analysis

– Oncologists, cancer biologists, and clinicians seeking to enhance their genomic data analysis skills

– Students and professionals in the fields of genomics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics with an interest in cancer research

Course Benefits

– Gain practical skills in analyzing and interpreting onco-genomic data

– Understand the key genomic alterations in cancer and their implications

– Apply bioinformatics tools and pipelines for onco-genomics analysis

– Explore the potential of precision medicine in cancer treatment